Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Landing My Thoughts

I've watched with interest as the blogging phenomenon has spread. As I've witnessed more coaches adopting the use of Blogs I've questioned the relevance for me and my business. Insight eventually dawned. A blog is a "landing pad" for my thoughts that helps me set my ideas in flight. I tend to walk around with a world of ideas inside my head...connections that I see for others, articles I'd love to share... themes that several clients are grappling with at the same time. This blog is a space for me to land these thoughts so that they can take form. It's an interim step between creating more formal articles, developing specific coaching and consulting programs or making additions to my website. It is also potentially a place for interactivity, since inclusion is a big piece of what I'm all about. We'll see how it evolves.

For now, I'm intrigued with where having this landing pad will take me.